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How to Design a Service Plan

by | Oct 22, 2022 | Resources

Service Coordination

Non-Medicaid service coordinator

Medicaid service coordinator

Medical coverage

Private Insurance




  • Have to wait until 18 years old to apply
  • When approved, will also be eligible for Medicaid

Local Authority for Hay County: Hill Country MHDD

Medicaid Waiver Programs: Star+Plus, CLASS, HCS, DBMD, TxHML, MDCP, YES

Respite/Provider Services

in Hays County- Hill Country MHDD https://www.hillcountry.org/

Transportation Services

CARTS https://www.ridecarts.com/

Vocational Programs

Texas Workforce Commission (same as Texas Workforce Solutions) https://www.twc.texas.gov/

Start my VR (link to site in order to apply for VR Services in Texas) https://twcgov.service-now.com/com.glideapp.servicecatalog_cat_item_view.do?v=1&sysparm_id=e05bd29c1bf5e41016a1caab234bcb94&sysparm_preview=true&sysparm_domain_restore=false&sysparm_stack=no

Day Habilitation Programs

More information to come soon.

Guardianship/Supported Decision-Making/Alternatives


  • A legal tool that allows a person to make decisions for another person.  It removes the civil rights and privileges of a person by assigning control of a person’s life to someone else

Supported decision making

  • Alternative to guardianship supports people to make their own decisions and stay in charge of their lives, while receiving any help they need to do so.

Medical Power of Attorney/ Durable Power of Attorney

Use of Representative Payee / Establishing a joint bank account

Management trust, Living Wills/Trusts, Special Needs Trust

Financial Planning

Estate Planning

  • Letter of Intent
    • A non-binding document that passes vital information about a person with disabilities to future caregivers
  • Special needs trust:
    • allows individuals with disabilities to have funds available for certain expenses while protecting eligibility for public benefits and access to care and services

When preparing to apply for SSI (must wait until 18th birthday):

Write down everything.  Names, dates; ideally an ongoing journal of all phone calls, emails, and summary of events. Consider a timeline to establish a history of events for documentation.

Gather all documents related to the child. Put together a file system or binder. May need to request from each doctor, therapist, and hospital to make sure you have all the required documentation:

Medical Providers

All doctors, counselors, psychologists, psychiatrists, Hospitals, clinics

  • names and contact info including phone, fax, address, email of the contact
  • first, last and next appointments (especially for the last 5 years

Diagnosis codes

  • doctor who diagnosed
  • date of diagnosis


  • names and reason/diagnosis for a prescription
  • any side effects
  • start and end dates

Tests ordered and results (related to diagnosis)

Any crisis events or hospitalizations

  • dates and locations
  • summary including diagnoses

Documentation of when he/she was disabled prior to age 22

  • Psych evaluations or doctors’ notes

Current Psychological exam is done in the past year to 6 months

School records

School attendance

  • Addresses and contact person
  • start and end dates
  • Any reports related to diagnoses
  • latest IEP or ARD

Additional Documents needed to apply for SSI/Medicaid:

Official Texas ID or passport

Social Security Card

Certified copy of the birth certificate

Any insurance cards: front and back

Create a Login and password for the social security online account for an adult child

Certified copy of Guardianship (if you are a legal guardian)

Height/Weight, hand dominance

Last 5 employer names, addresses, phone numbers

  • Start and end dates-why ended
  • Total monthly earnings (gross) for the past year by the date of the paycheck

Household arrangement

  • Where does he/she live
  • Does anyone live with him/her, if so their name, DOB, SSN, relationship
  • If renting an apartment: name, address, phone of the landlord, cost of rent
  • Does he/she cook and/or buy the food separately from the family (used to calculate expenses)
  • All expenses where he/she lives (average monthly)
    • Food, mortgage/rent, property insurance, real property taxes, electricity, gas, sewer, water, garbage

Does he/she own a vehicle or pay for a vehicle

Does he/she own any stocks, bonds, mutual funds

Bank Information

  • Account type, number, bank routing, where SSI check with be deposited
  • Will need a “Representative Payee” account but you will not be able to open it until the SSI application is received and you receive a letter stating that you have been appointed as Representative Payee. The account will need to be titled “Jane Doe as Representative Payee for John Doe”

Determining Eligibility for IDD services and supports (State funded)

Step 1: Must live in the LIDDA’s service area (Hill Country MHDD covers Hay’s Co)

Step 2: Have a diagnosis of intellectual disability (*documented)

  • A measure of a person’s IQ
  • Determination of the person’s adaptive behavior level (ABL) and
  • Evidence of the disability that originated before the person’s 18th birthday

Step 3: Have a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (*documented)

Step 4: Be a nursing facility resident who is eligible for specialized services for intellectual disability or related condition

Step 5: Be eligible for early childhood intervention services

*Documentation- assessments (including IQ and ABL) typically must be completed by Hill Co MHDD’s psychologist 

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