Home 9 Charity 9 Successful First Event, Big Thanks to Guest Presenter Frank Moyer

Successful First Event, Big Thanks to Guest Presenter Frank Moyer

by | Oct 11, 2022 | Charity, Event Recap

When you have a loved one with special needs to care for, the world becomes a more difficult place to navigate. Between qualifying for government aid and worrying about the future of your child, spouse, or sibling, there are many stressors the average family faces. The goal of The Misty Carol Project is to help provide a beacon of light by showcasing and connecting families with education, resources, and professionals who have answers. This is exactly what occurred at the September 24, 2022, event hosted in Wimberley, Texas.

Our growing organization was pleased to host 25+ attendees at the Wimberley Community Center between 12-3 p.m. A special thanks goes to Frank Moyer and The Wealth Store who provided hours of Q&A on special needs trusts and navigating the ins and outs of government assistance. 

Topics that Frank spoke on included:

  • The difference between standard revocable and special needs trusts
  • Why your family needs a special needs trust
  • The key benefits of a special needs trust (security & control)
  • How to guarantee your child qualifies for government aid regardless of how much $$ you make

You can learn more and connect with Frank by visiting The Wealth Store.

A special “thank you” goes to our volunteers Chris and Bonnie Delhomme, Erika Levingston, and Leslie Campbell who provided free special needs childcare during the event so parents and guardians could focus on the information being presented. As we convey on our website, none of what we do would be possible without the wonderful people who have joined together to support The Misty Carol Project.

Following are photos from the first event. We sure hope you can attend the next one!

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